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Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
The topic treated, well in advance of the collective sensitivity to these issues, follow the strand on the Protection of the Planet Earth and its survival of the human race.
The framework on rhomboidal basic is composed of n°4 sequential symbolic representations, joined together by the same thread that put in evidence as "humans" for many decades are polluting and destroying the planet and what should instead be the hope, as reads the written work, along with the desire to break free and escape from this condition.
Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a continuous downward trend, the feedback I had attended every summer, for over twenty years, the mountains of Trentino, where gradually the glaciers have thinned, in some cases up disappear.
The work expresses and reaffirms a strong complaint against the "lobbies" of big business and irresponsible powers who govern us and the prediction of a possible planetary catastrophe takes more and more body, so almost inevitable, and with a certain resignation on our part .
And then, before it is too late we must raise awareness in all circumstances who manages the fate of our planet, for a real and significant turnaround, to save our most valuable asset, our "home", our beloved "Earth."
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
The topic treated, well in advance of the collective sensitivity to these issues, follow the strand on the Protection of the Planet Earth and its survival of the human race.
The framework on rhomboidal basic is composed of n°4 sequential symbolic representations, joined together by the same thread that put in evidence as "humans" for many decades are polluting and destroying the planet and what should instead be the hope, as reads the written work, along with the desire to break free and escape from this condition.
Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a continuous downward trend, the feedback I had attended every summer, for over twenty years, the mountains of Trentino, where gradually the glaciers have thinned, in some cases up disappear.
The work expresses and reaffirms a strong complaint against the "lobbies" of big business and irresponsible powers who govern us and the prediction of a possible planetary catastrophe takes more and more body, so almost inevitable, and with a certain resignation on our part .
And then, before it is too late we must raise awareness in all circumstances who manages the fate of our planet, for a real and significant turnaround, to save our most valuable asset, our "home", our beloved "Earth."
Scorri per leggere la descrizione dell'opera . . .
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
The speech addressed in this work is developed starting from the center of the picture, by gear metal that gives movement to the whole figure, to express the concept of Being robotic, technologized, dehumanized; the work represents the exasperation of the contemporary civility, it looks to the man who lives his daily experience in the dynamic of the assembly lines; a daily exasperated, repetitive and alienating, marked by the same movements, the same gestures, the same actions.
However, the work, beyond exaltation of the movement of the machine, the action - which connotes the poetics of Marinetti's Futurism - highlights what remains of it, the surrogate, the downside, the other side of the coin.
The figure breaks from the perspective space of the background, trying to escape from the context in which "he see" forced to live; he is on its knees because the system tries to subjugate the human being, to enslave him to own power, to own system, to fold himself everyone and everything; but at the same time, the figure assumes a proud attitude, imposing, represents the one who, despite everything, no strikes, does not succumb, tries to escape this iron grip, fight to avoid being overwhelmed, he poses in a state of challenge to society and the system, try to move forward and get ahead in life.
How, in what way?
In the upper torso is depicted, not by chance, a spiral, symbol of "Imagination to Power" movement philosophical, cultural and social that had great resonance in the sixties years, led by the poetry of Marcuse, Jerry, etc., preaching the fight against all forms of oppression.
Walter Benjamin said: "It is only by merit of the desperate, the marginalized [of those who still have not been enslaved by the system] that they are given a hope".
Well, the gesture of the subject mechanized that dominates the painting is of refusal against the society that - as said - trying to subdue, to enslave their own power, to their own system.
The reason and the language does’nt have the strength to resist this model of organized society. Here, then, that "imagination to power" becomes the only instrument capable of seeing things in the view of potentiality, creating alternatives. "Power to the imagination" is also here, evoked and intended primarily as fantasy, creativity, as the last anchor of salvation for the Human Being, able to get him out by the flattening total of the life and its fundamental values.
Fantasy, creativity can be traced for us, a parallel life and alternative, more rich in values and contents, as opposed to the consumistic civilization, propagated by the mass-media, which, continuously, bombard and propinare us only garbage.
The figure at the center of opera to "get off" by dint shouldering, to escape from this vise - symbolically synthesized by the skyscrapers of Manhattan just because, in the last decades of the past century, the USA have represented the maximum development of technologization, its problematic and exasperation connected - tries to open up a road in his life, that road to the center of the painting gets lost in the background where, not coincidentally, is depicted a sunset.
All as in an equation : sunset = crepuscle, crepuscle = crepuscularism, decadentist movement that reaffirms, almost to be a "manifest", the disintegration of the Being and destruction of the foundations true, the loss of all values, moral, social and cultural of contemporary civility.
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
The speech addressed in this work is developed starting from the center of the picture, by gear metal that gives movement to the whole figure, to express the concept of Being robotic, technologized, dehumanized; the work represents the exasperation of the contemporary civility, it looks to the man who lives his daily experience in the dynamic of the assembly lines; a daily exasperated, repetitive and alienating, marked by the same movements, the same gestures, the same actions.
However, the work, beyond exaltation of the movement of the machine, the action - which connotes the poetics of Marinetti's Futurism - highlights what remains of it, the surrogate, the downside, the other side of the coin.
The figure breaks from the perspective space of the background, trying to escape from the context in which "he see" forced to live; he is on its knees because the system tries to subjugate the human being, to enslave him to own power, to own system, to fold himself everyone and everything; but at the same time, the figure assumes a proud attitude, imposing, represents the one who, despite everything, no strikes, does not succumb, tries to escape this iron grip, fight to avoid being overwhelmed, he poses in a state of challenge to society and the system, try to move forward and get ahead in life.
How, in what way?
In the upper torso is depicted, not by chance, a spiral, symbol of "Imagination to Power" movement philosophical, cultural and social that had great resonance in the sixties years, led by the poetry of Marcuse, Jerry, etc., preaching the fight against all forms of oppression.
Walter Benjamin said: "It is only by merit of the desperate, the marginalized [of those who still have not been enslaved by the system] that they are given a hope".
Well, the gesture of the subject mechanized that dominates the painting is of refusal against the society that - as said - trying to subdue, to enslave their own power, to their own system.
The reason and the language does’nt have the strength to resist this model of organized society. Here, then, that "imagination to power" becomes the only instrument capable of seeing things in the view of potentiality, creating alternatives. "Power to the imagination" is also here, evoked and intended primarily as fantasy, creativity, as the last anchor of salvation for the Human Being, able to get him out by the flattening total of the life and its fundamental values.
Fantasy, creativity can be traced for us, a parallel life and alternative, more rich in values and contents, as opposed to the consumistic civilization, propagated by the mass-media, which, continuously, bombard and propinare us only garbage.
The figure at the center of opera to "get off" by dint shouldering, to escape from this vise - symbolically synthesized by the skyscrapers of Manhattan just because, in the last decades of the past century, the USA have represented the maximum development of technologization, its problematic and exasperation connected - tries to open up a road in his life, that road to the center of the painting gets lost in the background where, not coincidentally, is depicted a sunset.
All as in an equation : sunset = crepuscle, crepuscle = crepuscularism, decadentist movement that reaffirms, almost to be a "manifest", the disintegration of the Being and destruction of the foundations true, the loss of all values, moral, social and cultural of contemporary civility.
Scorri per leggere la descrizione dell'opera . . .
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
Easily and through a few elements, the critically speech is synthesized from those who govern us, that fails to affect against the lobbies of economic power in order to get choices in favor of humanity.
Economic power is financing the political one, whose representatives then become puppets in their hands, conditioned to do functional choices to the system and their unscrupulous profiteering, without concern for the consequences due to rampant, uncontrolled development, buying even the "pollution quotas" from least developed countries, at the expense of human health.
Our leaders hired, in the pay of capitalism, they did take the tunnel towards self-destruction; the exasperated pollution is leading to imbalance of all ecosystems, we are moving towards a point of no return.
Here it is shown a figure, almost robotic, and breathed his last; despite a gas mask he has the eye that blood gutter for having breathed toxic gases which rise from the city, also in this case represented by the skyline of New York; tries to escape from this vice to reconnect to nature symbolically represented by this tree trunk, the green and blue of the sky.
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
Easily and through a few elements, the critically speech is synthesized from those who govern us, that fails to affect against the lobbies of economic power in order to get choices in favor of humanity.
Economic power is financing the political one, whose representatives then become puppets in their hands, conditioned to do functional choices to the system and their unscrupulous profiteering, without concern for the consequences due to rampant, uncontrolled development, buying even the "pollution quotas" from least developed countries, at the expense of human health.
Our leaders hired, in the pay of capitalism, they did take the tunnel towards self-destruction; the exasperated pollution is leading to imbalance of all ecosystems, we are moving towards a point of no return.
Here it is shown a figure, almost robotic, and breathed his last; despite a gas mask he has the eye that blood gutter for having breathed toxic gases which rise from the city, also in this case represented by the skyline of New York; tries to escape from this vice to reconnect to nature symbolically represented by this tree trunk, the green and blue of the sky.
Scorri per leggere la descrizione dell'opera . . .
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
The topic concerns the bilateral meetings in Geneva between the USA and USSR, represented by Reagan and Gorbachev, for resetting of all nuclear arsenals.
The composition through a series of symbols expresses skepticism about such an initiative to be considered propaganda, pipe dream by pouring only the poor deluded.
On the sides there are the two imperialist powers of the USA and the USSR, the middle apple as the first sin of humanity and as a mythological evocation of the "apple of discord" in this case for the contention of power; their hands are transformed in the tentacles of an octopus around the world and chains, symbolically pulled by nuclear missiles, crushing the world in an iron grip from which there is no escape.
Each of the two powers brings to the negotiating table its military potential, negotiations are made on the basis of strength, otherwise the strong prevails directly the weak; on the one hand the Soviet ICBM, on the other SDI shield stellar USA.
The two figures below come together because they shared the same goal of dominating the world, thin assuming the shape of two sirens (other mythological reference) to express the deception that are perpetrating against humanity ignorant, they argue, talk, treat all they do except seek true peace; the goal veiled, the real is to divide the various areas of influence and domination on the international stage.
Finally at the bottom center they make to counter the pessimism and hope, on the one hand humans transformed in many "zombies", the other in the rainbow as a positive announcement in the metaphorical sense of a better time that may be connected to the hope for peace through the symbol that dominates the background; ultimately placing trust in man, in his choices, by giving precedence to the wisdom, it becomes a message of hope, because even deprive a man of hope means to deprive him of his own life.
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
The topic concerns the bilateral meetings in Geneva between the USA and USSR, represented by Reagan and Gorbachev, for resetting of all nuclear arsenals.
The composition through a series of symbols expresses skepticism about such an initiative to be considered propaganda, pipe dream by pouring only the poor deluded.
On the sides there are the two imperialist powers of the USA and the USSR, the middle apple as the first sin of humanity and as a mythological evocation of the "apple of discord" in this case for the contention of power; their hands are transformed in the tentacles of an octopus around the world and chains, symbolically pulled by nuclear missiles, crushing the world in an iron grip from which there is no escape.
Each of the two powers brings to the negotiating table its military potential, negotiations are made on the basis of strength, otherwise the strong prevails directly the weak; on the one hand the Soviet ICBM, on the other SDI shield stellar USA.
The two figures below come together because they shared the same goal of dominating the world, thin assuming the shape of two sirens (other mythological reference) to express the deception that are perpetrating against humanity ignorant, they argue, talk, treat all they do except seek true peace; the goal veiled, the real is to divide the various areas of influence and domination on the international stage.
Finally at the bottom center they make to counter the pessimism and hope, on the one hand humans transformed in many "zombies", the other in the rainbow as a positive announcement in the metaphorical sense of a better time that may be connected to the hope for peace through the symbol that dominates the background; ultimately placing trust in man, in his choices, by giving precedence to the wisdom, it becomes a message of hope, because even deprive a man of hope means to deprive him of his own life.
Scorri per leggere la descrizione dell'opera . . .
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
This is the great challenge that current governments are facing: atmospheric emissions of polluting gases (CFC and CO2), resulting in ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect that envelops the planet Earth.
The results to date appear to be of little account : the problem should therefore be tackled seriously, overcoming nationalistic selfishness, understanding that the issue involves everyone on this planet, and that if we do not act promptly, inevitably you will soon come to a catastrophe, even such an apocalypse.
This is the warning issued, taking up a theme already treated in other works dating back to 1970, well in advance of the Kyoto Protocol.
Even the last meeting in Copenhagen were very disappointing and inconclusive, which should not lead to a sterile resignation, but, rather, to insist in the battle, before it's too late.
Hence, the current extreme speech that expresses skepticism and pessimism:
If there were not a drastic turnabout, humans may be forced to live in space, as prefigured the work represented: imaginary spaceship with its "load" the human family looking wistfully from afar, the Planet Earth abandoned, because on it is no longer possible life.
Probably, in the future, with the scientific progress, we are also able to colonize space and other planets in order to "survive", but under what conditions and at what cost to humanity?
The message that is thrown is: "Let us unite and fight, rise up, we don’t accept impassive, the end of the planet, as inescapable fact, stop this crime perpetrated by the "big powers" of multinationals and governments irresponsible accomplices, before it's too late, before the damage is irreparable, for the future of the next generations of our children!
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
This is the great challenge that current governments are facing: atmospheric emissions of polluting gases (CFC and CO2), resulting in ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect that envelops the planet Earth.
The results to date appear to be of little account : the problem should therefore be tackled seriously, overcoming nationalistic selfishness, understanding that the issue involves everyone on this planet, and that if we do not act promptly, inevitably you will soon come to a catastrophe, even such an apocalypse.
This is the warning issued, taking up a theme already treated in other works dating back to 1970, well in advance of the Kyoto Protocol.
Even the last meeting in Copenhagen were very disappointing and inconclusive, which should not lead to a sterile resignation, but, rather, to insist in the battle, before it's too late.
Hence, the current extreme speech that expresses skepticism and pessimism:
If there were not a drastic turnabout, humans may be forced to live in space, as prefigured the work represented: imaginary spaceship with its "load" the human family looking wistfully from afar, the Planet Earth abandoned, because on it is no longer possible life.
Probably, in the future, with the scientific progress, we are also able to colonize space and other planets in order to "survive", but under what conditions and at what cost to humanity?
The message that is thrown is: "Let us unite and fight, rise up, we don’t accept impassive, the end of the planet, as inescapable fact, stop this crime perpetrated by the "big powers" of multinationals and governments irresponsible accomplices, before it's too late, before the damage is irreparable, for the future of the next generations of our children!
Scorri per leggere la descrizione dell'opera . . .
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
In this work is returned to the theme that is most dear to me, the challenge question that current Governments Nations are facing: atmospheric emissions of polluting gases (CFC and CO2), resulting in ozone depletion and especially the greenhouse that surrounds the planet Earth.
The phrase that stands at the center of "Humanity projected towards a point of no return", should once again make us think; the updated forecasts, which are conveyed to us by researchers are dramatic, with this trend by 2060 the global temperature increase of 4 ° C, will see the imbalance of all ecosystems, the glaciers in the polar ice caps will melt, the seas will rise 60 meters, whole nations and almost all major cities of the world will be submerged.
We are moving toward self-destruction of Planet Earth as the big polluters China, India, USA, Russia, Japan, etc. do little or nothing to reduce emissions into the atmosphere, rather they buy shares of pollution by less industrialized countries to maximize their production, polluting more.
The results to date appear to be of little account, the feeling is that there is awareness of the actual scope of the problem, which needs to be addressed seriously, overcoming nationalistic selfishness, understanding that the issue involves everyone on this planet and that if It does not act in a timely manner, inevitably you will soon come to a catastrophe, even, for an apocalypse. This is the warning issued, taking up a theme already treated in other my works dating back to 1970, well in advance of the Kyoto Protocol.
Even the last meetings in Copenhagen and recently in Doha have been very disappointing and inconclusive, which should not lead to a sterile resignation, but, rather, to insist in the battle.
In the work the two figures represent the powers that govern us, the big lobbies, without a hint of conscience, they are leading us to self-destruction.
Looking ahead are represented, as a curtain, the possible consequences:
the center is represented an apple as a symbol of discord; more down all the skyscrapers symbols of the great cities of the world under water; deliberately hovers an omen of death, because he wants to be a terrifying warning to the powers and irresponsible while a reaction within us to unite, fight and rebel, to refuse unmoved the end of the world as something inescapable.
In this as in other works it sends a message to people to take action to stop this crime perpetrated by the "powers" of multinationals and governments irresponsible accomplices, before it's too late, before the damage is irreparable, the future the next generations of our children!
Olio su tela 120 x 100 - (1983)
In this work is returned to the theme that is most dear to me, the challenge question that current Governments Nations are facing: atmospheric emissions of polluting gases (CFC and CO2), resulting in ozone depletion and especially the greenhouse that surrounds the planet Earth.
The phrase that stands at the center of "Humanity projected towards a point of no return", should once again make us think; the updated forecasts, which are conveyed to us by researchers are dramatic, with this trend by 2060 the global temperature increase of 4 ° C, will see the imbalance of all ecosystems, the glaciers in the polar ice caps will melt, the seas will rise 60 meters, whole nations and almost all major cities of the world will be submerged.
We are moving toward self-destruction of Planet Earth as the big polluters China, India, USA, Russia, Japan, etc. do little or nothing to reduce emissions into the atmosphere, rather they buy shares of pollution by less industrialized countries to maximize their production, polluting more.
The results to date appear to be of little account, the feeling is that there is awareness of the actual scope of the problem, which needs to be addressed seriously, overcoming nationalistic selfishness, understanding that the issue involves everyone on this planet and that if It does not act in a timely manner, inevitably you will soon come to a catastrophe, even, for an apocalypse. This is the warning issued, taking up a theme already treated in other my works dating back to 1970, well in advance of the Kyoto Protocol.
Even the last meetings in Copenhagen and recently in Doha have been very disappointing and inconclusive, which should not lead to a sterile resignation, but, rather, to insist in the battle.
In the work the two figures represent the powers that govern us, the big lobbies, without a hint of conscience, they are leading us to self-destruction.
Looking ahead are represented, as a curtain, the possible consequences:
the center is represented an apple as a symbol of discord; more down all the skyscrapers symbols of the great cities of the world under water; deliberately hovers an omen of death, because he wants to be a terrifying warning to the powers and irresponsible while a reaction within us to unite, fight and rebel, to refuse unmoved the end of the world as something inescapable.
In this as in other works it sends a message to people to take action to stop this crime perpetrated by the "powers" of multinationals and governments irresponsible accomplices, before it's too late, before the damage is irreparable, the future the next generations of our children!
Scroll down to read the description of the painting . . .
Oil on canvas - 60 x 80 - (2016)
The topic treated follows the strand on the survival of the human race on Planet Earth. While appreciating our scientists - dedicated to experimentation and research aimed to explore the possibility of colonizing space (Mars) facing sidereal distances, with unimaginable costs and risks - should a power realistic conscience and come to an agreement between the various nations to finally preserve our Planet Earth, our Home, making it fertile our territories boundless various continents still abandoned and "exploit" in an environmentally friendly manner.
Unfortunately, human beings, especially those who are politically propose - not for the good of the community, but always as a form of personal enrichment in the pay of the lobbies - have as their disposition a large dose of self-harm and myopia, so it lacks the ability to look beyond the horizons and understand that probably should be preserved (to use a euphemism) our dear and beloved Planet.
And so here's the warning to irresponsible powers who govern us; with this trend prediction of a possible catastrophe takes more and more body.
Recalling the Biblical events - where Noah built an Ark to save all species, human, animal and plant - is represented here Ark, an imaginary futuristic structure that has the same objective (in fact Titled: "Year 2060 - Noah's Ark"). It stands on metaphorical flaming skies, due to the increase in global temperature, and as mentioned in other circumstances, we will see the imbalance of all ecosystems, glaciers ice caps continue to melt, the seas will rise, entire continents will be submerged by water and, recalling also the movie "Waterworld", we will wander and fight to take possession of any lands not yet submerged.
And then, before it is too late let us unite and concentrate on feasible, to save our most valuable asset, our "Home" and avoid improbable colonization inherent uncertainties and unknown dangers.
Oil on canvas - 60 x 80 - (2016)
The topic treated follows the strand on the survival of the human race on Planet Earth. While appreciating our scientists - dedicated to experimentation and research aimed to explore the possibility of colonizing space (Mars) facing sidereal distances, with unimaginable costs and risks - should a power realistic conscience and come to an agreement between the various nations to finally preserve our Planet Earth, our Home, making it fertile our territories boundless various continents still abandoned and "exploit" in an environmentally friendly manner.
Unfortunately, human beings, especially those who are politically propose - not for the good of the community, but always as a form of personal enrichment in the pay of the lobbies - have as their disposition a large dose of self-harm and myopia, so it lacks the ability to look beyond the horizons and understand that probably should be preserved (to use a euphemism) our dear and beloved Planet.
And so here's the warning to irresponsible powers who govern us; with this trend prediction of a possible catastrophe takes more and more body.
Recalling the Biblical events - where Noah built an Ark to save all species, human, animal and plant - is represented here Ark, an imaginary futuristic structure that has the same objective (in fact Titled: "Year 2060 - Noah's Ark"). It stands on metaphorical flaming skies, due to the increase in global temperature, and as mentioned in other circumstances, we will see the imbalance of all ecosystems, glaciers ice caps continue to melt, the seas will rise, entire continents will be submerged by water and, recalling also the movie "Waterworld", we will wander and fight to take possession of any lands not yet submerged.
And then, before it is too late let us unite and concentrate on feasible, to save our most valuable asset, our "Home" and avoid improbable colonization inherent uncertainties and unknown dangers.